Running the Race...with eyes fixed on the goal!

You know how there are just times when you can't put into words how you are feeling or what you're thinking? I'll admit, finding words is not usually a challenge for me :)...but this past week, my mind has been a bit of a "jumble". I feel like I have been "running the race" but forgetting about the goal (to glorify God by being satisfied IN HIM and to become more like Him) and instead have barely been able to fix my eyes beyond the "next thing" that has needed to be done. And, since there is always a "next thing", I have been feeling exhausted and "tired" of the "never ending cycle". I have been fixing my eyes on what is "seen" instead of what is "unseen" as 2 Cor. 4:18 says:

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Anyway, the reason I can share this with you is because I have been spurred on today by a dear sister in Christ...who I also have the blessing of calling MY SISTER...Kimberly. Her post on her blog was exactly where I have been and exactly what I needed to hear! I know it would bless your heart head on over and be encouraged today like I was!
Thank you dear sister of mine for sharing what the Lord has been teaching you...and for spurring me on to "love and good deeds". I love you!


Michelle Hamm said…
Thanks for this post. I appreciate it more than words can say. Please thank your sister for her words of truth and encouragement. I need to truly evaluate the race that I am running. The reason I am so tired is because I am running my own race and not God's. If it was God's He promises to give us enough strength to bear any adversity or day that comes our way. Thanks for the talk & prayer today. I look forward to many more.

TTYL, Michelle