A drink offering

Do you ever read God's Word, come to some words you're not sure about, make a quick assumption, and then move on? I am guilty of that.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit will often nudge my heart and prick my conscience so that I go back and make sure I know what God's Word is saying and not assume that I know.

That happened to me this past week as I was reading Philippians 2:17 where Paul says:

"Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all."

I honestly thought that "poured out as a drink offering" referred to being wasted or used up needlessly. Boy, was I wrong...it's way more amazing and beautiful than that!

A drink offering referred to the "topping off of an ancient animal sacrifice...The offerer poured wine either in front of or on top of the burning animal and the wine would be vaporized. That steam symbolized the rising of the offering to the deity for whom the sacrifice was made".

Paul was saying that, even if his sacrifice seemed like nothing more than the "topping off" of the sacrifice the Philippians had already made, he rejoiced. What's amazing about that is, as we look at Paul's life, the sacrifices he had made were HUGE! The things he gave up or endured for the cause of Christ seemed beyond what others were called to sacrifice. And yet, to Paul, he didn't care about recognition. He didn't care if his sacrifice went almost undetected (vaporized wine) while the Philippians sacrifice (the actual animal) seemed great...he only cared that "in every way...Christ is proclaimed", that He is glorified, that He is seen as of surpassing value. WOW!

I couldn't help but think of myself. Motherhood (and, I dare say, much that we do in life) can often be a thankless job. Many times, I feel like the sacrifices I make go unnoticed by the very people I am seeking to serve and it can be frustrating, disappointing, and discouraging! Then, if I start to listen to myself, I can quickly feel sorry for myself.

God's word is often like a needed spanking to my soul! And Paul's example of humility shines bright. Yes, my sacrifices may be like the drink offerings of old...vaporized and gone before anyone even notices while the big hunk of meat remains behind for someone else to take credit for.:) But, when I think like that, I am thinking with the wrong goal in mind. If, in all that I do, I am seeking to do it for the glory of God and nothing else...then, like Paul, I won't care how unnoticed my offering may be, how quickly my sacrifice seems to vaporize. Why? Because that vapor has turned into "a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God" (Phil 4:18).

I can't say it any better than MacArthur said it in the Philippians study guide, so I'll close with his words:

"Selfless service for Christ is a sacrifice only in the sense of being an offering to God. It is never a sacrifice in the sense of being a loss. A believer can sacrifice nothing for the Lord that is not replaced with something infinitely more valuable and gratifying (2 Cor. 4:17). It is always an exchange of the lesser for the greater. What he forsook was mere "rubbish"; what he gained was Christ and the immeasurable blessings of salvation and eternal life (Phil. 3:8-11). The reason many believers know little about Paul's kind of joy is that they know little about his kind of sacrifice."
