Bryan shared a neat illustration with our marriage group a few weeks ago...and it had a pretty good "hook" on it that has held fast to me in the weeks since. In other words, I keep thinking about what he said, keep recognizing the value in it, and have been prayerful that it would be true of my life!
It's a simple bank analogy that helps us better understand what our relationships should look like.
All our relationships must be full of "deposits". Deposits of love, kindness, encouragement, patience, joy, gentleness, serving, faithfulness and grace. As we daily (or whenever we have the opportunity) make these deposits into the lives of our spouses, children, family, friends and church body...we are creating a wealth of love in their "heart bank". It's a beautiful thing.
Of course, just as in your day to day banking, relationships are made up of not only deposits but withdrawals, too. There are times that, in order to be a spouse, a parent, a brother or sister in Christ...we have to make withdrawals. We have to rebuke, we have to exhort, we have to speak hard words to hear, or we might have to confront and call to repentance. They are a part of living before the face of God...Coram Deo.
Yet, if we have been faithful to make many deposits, we will find that there is plenty in their "heart bank" to cover the withdrawal. There is a trust that is not shaken, a love that is not broken, a humility that has grown out of respect. There is more than enough to continue on without much stress or strain. In fact, you are actually the right person to speak into the other's life because you have been so faithful in loving deposits.
Withdrawals will come. It's part of living as a sinner in a fallen world, amongst other fallen people. It's not a matter of if we sin and need to have it's more about when we sin, what will it look like to reach out to others or to be spoken to ourselves? Will it show that we are faithful "depositors", faithful investors in the lives of others?
What does the ledger look like in the "heart banks" of those that are closest to you? As you assess, you may find that, like me, there are more withdrawals than deposits with some of those you love. Maybe, like me, you have some repenting to do and Spirit-empowered deposits to start making!
Praise be to God that we have received the FULLNESS of Jesus...grace upon grace. And, in Him, our cup overflows to meet the needs and make deposits for others!