Nothing inspiring...just got a question :) I feel in a "blog comment" dilemma and I am hoping, once again, you can all give me your two cents :)

I have been so blessed and so thankful for the comments you have all been leaving and I am not sure if the best course of action is to comment to you back on the blog, send an email, or just assume that you know that I am reading it along with everyone else and I am encouraged (this last one does not sit well with my sensitive spirit!). :)

Quite honestly, do you even go back and read the comment section again of a post after you have already left a comment...or do you move on having shared what you wanted to share? I realize most if not all of you have more than one blog you frequent and most of you have blogs I was just curious what "blog etiquette" looked like to you!

And for those of you who are reading this, shaking your head and laughing at me for even being concerned about it...well, at least I made you smile today one way or another :) tee-hee


Chrissy said…
Honestly, once I leave a comment I do not look back to see if you respond :) So I think nothing of it if you do not respond :) You did make me sniker at your post are too cute :)
Tyffany said…
I never double check after comments I leave. I leave the comment and move on. And usually if I need to respond to a comment that was left I just email the person personally... I don't know if that is blog-etiquette (which is funny to me that there is something of the sort) but that is what I do. :) Not that anyone is checking blogs now because everyone is addicted to Facebook! Seriously, I may blog on that!! :)
For His Glory said…
hmmm...I never really thought about that, but I don't usually check back in either...However if I come back on to check out another post and notice someone has left comments, I will see what the other comments say for fun...For example I kept checking when I saw the comments on your "rainy day need suggestions" post and was curious as to what other ideas popped up :) otherwise I don't think about it again after I comment-nor do I expect anyone to email or comment back to me...HOw about you Mrs. Kristin what do you like after you comment?? my etiquette says...reply if you feel it needs a reply, don't if you don't :) I just wanted to make sure I was not too off my rocker or coming across rude! :) Thanks for telling me what you guys do!
Michelle P said…
I usually check the number of replies and if more people have posted on a topic that was interesting (which, of course, is all of yours;), then I re-check the comments. And I've seen many other blogs where the blog author replies to other comments in the comment, you're not're a responsible blogger :)
Matt5verse6 said…
Sometimes I check back and sometimes I do not. :) So I'm not helping you out much here. :) If I am up to speed with you I will check back to see if there are any new posts. If I am running I am presently...then I will quickly scan over older posts but manly focus on the most recent one. I don't want to miss anything!!! :) I hope this kind of helps. :) Much love.
Pichura said…
Wow you can comment - sweet!!!
Learn something new everyday - but from what I have read form these other comments no one will actually read this : )