Potato Feed Fundraiser

Back in November, some dear friends from church starting planning ways in which they could help ease the financial "burden" of our adoption. We ended up doing Papa Murphy's pizza coupon cards that month and it raised around $600 dollars! In December, they passed out mason jars with pictures of Samuel and Caleb on them to be used to collect coins. To date, that has raised about $725!

Most of you are probably thinking that even doing two fundraisers was extra sweet of them....but they are even sweeter than that! :) March 7th they will be hosting our third and final fundraiser to help close the financial gap in bringing Samuel and Caleb home (or two other children, if that is what the Lord wills): A potato feed along with a bake sale and silent auction.

The response has blessed our hearts greatly! So many people have generously offered their help (some of them people who do not even know us!) through baking goodies, making purses, gift baskets, donating other items and helping with the event the day of. We have even had our potatoes donated to us for free! We are thankful for the heart that God seems to be giving people for adoption...and not necessarily that they have to adopt themselves, but that they can be a part of this process in other ways...like helping us or others like us! :) Whoever the Lord chooses to give us as children...it's neat to think that, though they will most certainly be our kids, in many ways, they have been adopted by many people...from dear friends to strangers!

We'll make sure to let you know how it all goes...both with word and with pictures! Above all, we pray that God would be glorified and people would see the beauty of adoption...both horizontally and vertically.

"He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will." Ephesians 1:5


For His Glory said…
Oh How I wish I could eat a potato on behalf of this event with you in Washington hee hee:)...Maybe we'll eat potatos here and be in some deep prayer that day...I'll mark it on my calender!!
Paul said…
Cool to see all these people coming alongside you. I like to call it "community" (whether it be of the church or of the community itself). I think of it as the practical workings of Acts 2 :-) It does happen if opportunity is given. So keep making opportunities!! Lovin it Kristin!