Adoption Article

I always have my eyes wide open for adoption articles and material...and this morning "Desiring God Ministries Blog" posted an article about how pastors can encourage members in their church who are thinking about or are adopting. I thought it was good advice for all of us, too! :) Feel free to check it out HERE or click on the link to the left of this post!


For His Glory said…
Wow, my husband just went to a class at the Shepherd's Conference on Adoption, the man had two birh children and three adopted children! All those same issues were addressed. My hubby was soooo thankful to of been able to hear the teacher speak on rich biblical truths that address the church in adoption, you'd be very surprised how much the church doesn't even address the issue of orphans and our duty. In fact I'm sorry I didn't realize these truths sooner so that I myself could of reached out to those adopting or who already have adopted. We are the church and Christ calls the church to step up and be active in and about adoption...Whether my braking an adoptive mommy and daddy, help raising funds, encouragements, or actual pursuit of adopting...
Anonymous said…
Hi Pichura Family! Thank you so much for leaving a comment on the Foley Family blog - I love getting comments!!! I actually got those statistics from several places: a couple of figures I pulled from other blogs & I also used I hope that helps - feel free to use those statistics - my prayer is that it motivates people to do something!!! The statistics were so very eye opening! Thank you for posting the "adoption article" link - it's great & I think I will post it on our blog! I thank God EVERY DAY that he chose us to be the parents of these precious children - how lucky are we?!?!!!!