A quote for the day

I love quotes. In fact I am reading a book called "Worldliness" (written by Sovereign Grace Pastors) that is fantastic and full of what I like to call great "one liners"! I hope to share some of those with you in the coming week.

The quote for today is simple but profound. It was made by a believing college football player (Jon Cooper) as he waited to find out if he was picked in the draft.

"Patience under Providence"

I read those three little words and couldn't help but think that they really sum up perfectly my life...and, I would think, the life of every other believer! We are called to live daily in the light of God's sovereignty. Our every breath should be lived in the light of His providence.

"Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the most High that woe and well being proceed?"
Lamentations 3:37-38

At the same time, there seems to be an endless sea of waves in the form of trials or situations that call for great patience. For me, those waves come in the form of: waiting for a successful court date, trying to teach a child to read, an unexpected meeting that keeps my hubby away from home yet another night, a "to-do list" that seems unending, fighting children, a little league game in COLD weather...they seem so insignificant as I write them out, but I must admit, they "frazzle me" quickly.

But asking for patience without recognizing the providence of God is like asking for a cone without the ice cream. What makes the cone so good is the ice cream that fills it (believe me...I would know:)) What makes patience possible and beautiful is knowing that each trial and situation is actually a gift from God to grow us and make us more like Him in a way we would not have been otherwise (James 1:2-4).

Patience under providence: a motto to live by!


For His Glory said…
Ah...I think I'll be using that quote a whole heaping lot in the months to come :)
LOVED the very last sentence in this post. It made me go, "ohhh...", as I thought of my VERY heavy-duty "mommy trials" I faced this afternoon/evening!! Great, truthful sentence to ponder. Thank you!