Busyness is not Godliness

My sister gave me a book as an early birthday present called "Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others"by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock and I am slowly working my way through it...not because it isn't good..it is! I have just not been able to devote the kind of time that I would like to reading these great books...so they just keep piling up! I won't give up, though!:)

Anyway, I LOVE quotes and this was one that was too good not to share! They quote Dorothy Patterson:

"Busyness is not godliness. God is not impressed with your production capacity as much as He is concerned that the product of your home - your own children - be chiseled and molded and perfected to the best of your ability. You may tire of this mundane task, but the Lord admonishes you to not grow weary and promises to supply the energy and strength as needed in this all-important task (Is. 40:28-31). God's strength is for what He plans for you to do - not stamina for everything you might want to do!"

I'll be honest, often caring for my kiddos and our house does feel really mundane. And, when I start to listen to myself instead of preach to myself, I find myself believing that it really isn't that important. YIKES! Just because it may feel mundane at times does not change the fact that my husband, my children and my home are my HIGHEST CALLING!!! If I am not busy living out God's calling for me as a wife and a mommy...seeking to diligently teach my children the awesomeness of God in all areas of life...than my busyness (and, believe me, I am always busy) is in vain! Sobering thoughts!

And, I loved what Dorothy shared at the end about God giving us the strength for what we NEED to do not necessarily what we want to do!!! How true is that?! There are too many times that I end the day frustrated that I was not able to do what I WANTED to do that day. I feel discouraged and discontent, feeling let down that I didn't have more time for ME! It sounds very rational in my head,in those moments, and I do a pretty good job of feeling sorry for myself. And, therein lies the problem. I am focused on ME and not on the God to whom all praise is due! The God who sustained me through one more day of life...who has given me life and breath and everything else (Acts 17:25). I have forgotten that God's will for me consists of being joyful always, praying continually and giving thanks in ALL circumstances (I Thess. 5:16-18).

So, I am very thankful for this beautiful reminder of what truly IS important and it looks like I am back to meditating on what is quickly becoming one of my favorite verses, 2 Corinthians 10:5:

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of Christ and we take every thought captive to obey Christ."


crystal said…
Girl you are busy because I cant keep up with you on your blog lol!!Thank you so much for this post it was encouraging to me to at the fact I can feel the very same way at times!!Its such a great job to be a wife and a mom and to take care of our families!we have a lasting impact on the little ones to teach them Gods word and all the little details of life!Its such a huge job when you think about it!thank God he is with us through it all:)Although I sometimes forget and try to do it on my own:(It doesnt work and my day falls apart!I like seeking God better for my strength for the day lol.
For His Glory said…
This was really a good read, and it's so true, who cares how busy we are if it isn't for the glory of God!!