The Tale of a Quail Part 2

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?"
Matthew 6:26

Today, the baby quail died. There seemed to be something wrong with it's neck and it just got worse and worse. The kids all handled it fine except by dear, sensitive Grace who had several moments of floods of tears! I held her and let her cry...I knew she needed too...but when she settled down it became a good opportunity to remind her that even "Squeaky" was in God's hands and her death was allowed by God. God is sovereign even over the birds. But it was also a good opportunity to share how thankful we needed to be that it was only a bird and not a human life...and just how precious life is!

We could not find a box, so we decorated a bag, but some tissue in it along with "Squeaky" and went out in the backyard to dig a hole and bury her. It may seem like such a small thing...but it was a big deal to my kiddos...especially Grace...and that made it a big deal to me!

PS Sorry if you think the picture is a bit morbid...but I am just trying to document life as it happens! :)
