The Tale of a Quail

Yesterday evening, I happened to look out the window and see a baby quail looking very lost and peeping up a storm. No mom or dad in sight. So, we scooped the quail up and have been trying to figure out just how to keep this little critter alive!

Earlier today, the baby did not look so good and we were afraid he/she was going to die. Grace was a wreck! I really appreciated what Bryan shared with I thought I would share it with you!

He started by reminding her that the little quail did not have a soul like a person had so we could be thankful that it would never spend eternity in hell. But he also shared with her that the reason why the baby quail was not doing well is because she didn't have her mommy or daddy taking care of her. If we had left her outside, she would have died for sure. The same is true for orphans. Without their parents to take care of them many do actually die.

The picture he painted (in much better words than I can retell it) was a sweet reminder of the beauty of adoption and yet, through watching this little quail, it was also a picture of the suffering and pain of what brings these children to being adopted in the first place. I am so thankful for all the little experiences that God takes us through and how they point us right back to HIM!!!


What Bryan said is so true and something I personally forget so quickly. Thank you for the reminder. About the Quail...which I'm sure you already know..give it chicken feed and a heat lamp. We tried to hatch them three times with no success for a school project.
For His Glory said…
Oh my word! How precious! I can't believe how little he is! I pray you will be able to find him the help he needs, maybe a vet could tell you who you could call to drop him off at...What a neat little lesson for the kiddos...
What a great post! And what a sweet picture of Grace w/ the little quail... :0)