An Imprint of the True Hero

Real superheroes? I don't think so :)....but they do carry the imprint of the only true HERO. I loved this quote by Mark Chanski ( in his book "Womanly Dominion:more than a gentle and quiet spririt")

"...we see that in man and woman, God left imprints on the earth, that are profoundly to be representative likenesses of Himself. As the castle-building child presses his hands into the wet beach sand, leaving an impression of the sculptor, in man and woman, God pressed His face to the earth, leaving an impression of the Creator."

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Genesis 1:26a


LOVE the quote... I'm on my way to snuggle in bed and read that book right now! :)
Praying you're surviving your time without your hubby!
For His Glory said…
Too cute and the quote is great!
Paul said…
This picture rocks, completely rocks. My favorite of all the pics, ha ha. must be that superhero vein in me :-)
ralt said…
Thanks for sharing. They were great pictures and messages. So glad for Kim and their new born. What a wonderful family you have.