It's a wonderful, crazy life

The title to this post is one of the things I am learning more and more. Life can be crazy and wonderful, exhausting and exhilarating, painful and beautiful...all at the same time. I think it might have been a little bit of what James had in mind when he said in James, "Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials...". When we see each day as a gift from the Lord, each child as a magnificent creation fashioned by a Perfect Creator, each moment as ordained for us by a very intimate God who knows exactly what we need to be exactly who He has called us to be...we have reason to hope greatly, for our God is great. We have a reason to rejoice even through the tears and we are able to see that God truly does make everything beautiful in His time!!!

Last night was rough...Faith was up in pain, Micah woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't go back to sleep after all the interruptions... so I stayed in bed a little longer and spent some time in the Word...I needed to be fed with more than Chex this morning!

My brother Paul came to visit mid morning and we are so thrilled to have him with us for a couple of days. He watched 3 of the kids while I took the other 3 to the doctor's (Caleb is staying under mommy's watchful eye, for now!). Faith had her post-op appt. and he said everything looked great and she was on track for healing...I just wish her body would tell her that...she is a WRECK a good part of the day and night! Micah had one tube "hanging" in his right ear...well, it looks like the infection took care of the hanging part of things and it came out at the doctor's office. Sadly, the hole that was left behind in his ear drum is too big and the doctor says it would take a small miracle (we know that is possible :)) for it to close up on his, we head back in three weeks to get it checked out and then, it may be his turn for surgery to repair the hole and hopefully retain hearing in that ear.

The kids have been enjoying riding their bikes, scooters and, the latest for Micah is Daddy's old skateboard. I would never have believed it last week as we sweated in the heat that we would be wearing our sweatshirts tonight but we were! What a blessing the cooler air has been! What a blessing all of life is, really! Each moment is full of God's grace and mercy. Each breath we take is one more than we deserve and each moment we live without getting into a car accident or without the kids breaking a bone on the numerous tumbles they take every day or not getting sick or...well, let's face it, the list is is all undeserved favor and kindness given to us by our precious Savior. And that makes for one crazy, wonderful life that I am so thankful to be living!


For His Glory said…
Ahhh Yes, the beauty we miss , when we don't see Christ in the midst of trial...
5 Cougs said…
I hope your life will take a gentle lull soon!
Sarah said…
I love reading the blog and seeing your joyful dependence on Jesus and his strength to carry you and your family. It's a blessing and a good reminder to read. Thanks for sharing.
Sandy said…
it's good reading all these and staying up w/ what's going on in the pichura household...but, Kristin, you can tell tell the overactivity is starting to affect your brain function. Last time I checked, Paul didn't write James, but James did. But hey, Paul wrote almost everything else, so it was pretty close :) Aaron
That is pretty funny...I completely missed that one! :) tee hee!