Things we keep learning!

One thing that seems to be a common thread amongst adopted children, at least from what I have read and the adopted parents I have talked to, is a desire to keep and hold onto things. Or, to put it more bluntly...not to want to share.:)

Having said that, it has not been uncommon for me to find toys in very odd places(and, of course, I had to snap a couple of pictures for you!) and, generally, they have been hidden there by either Samuel or Caleb so that no one else can play with it...
in the hall closet, in the corner of the garage...pretty much in any corner that seems out of the way.:) In fact, a little while ago, Samuel had pulled out of the bin a bunch of hot wheel cars and asked me for a bag. I thought he just wanted something to help carry his cars as he played with them. Nope, I was wrong! He put all the cars in the bag, tied the bag tight and placed it in his underwear drawer!:)He never pulled it out to play with once! I finally made him put them back in the bin so that he could share and everyone could play with them. They have never really tried to "hoard" or "gorge" on food (maybe it would have been different if we had adopted a girl!:)tee-hee), but they love STUFF!:) They are learning what the word "share" means although, I think if they had their way, it would not be a word that they would add to their vocabulary!:)

Speaking of food, just thought I'd share a tidbit that has worked really well for us. We bought several sets of plastic bowls, cups and plates from IKEA (at $1.99 for a 6 piece could you go wrong?!)...and the reason for it was that they came in 6 different colors. We then assigned a color to each child (as well as bath towels!) and it has made things in the kitchen run very smooth. Everyone knows what cup is theirs and that is their cup for the whole day and there is no fighting over who wants the spiderman bowl, etc... Plus, when dishes are left on the table, I know exactly who the culprit is! :)

In other adoption news :), Samuel broke out of his shell a little bit more and "shared" another rap with us...and I had to pass it on and make you smiletoo!:)


For His Glory said…
Wow! That was so stnkin cute Kristin, I have the biggest cheezy smile on my face after watching him...Seriously, he really was into it and had the moves and eyes to go with it! Hmmm just to know what it all meant would be interesting to know...Has he been listening to his rap cd I sent him??

So interesting the hoarding of the toys...We could get into all the "phsycological" reasons for doing it, but when you just get down to's simply that lovely ol sinful behavior...I know it won't be long before he realizes the beauty in sharing and finding his happiness in Jesus not "stuff"...
Hi Samuel

Thanks for telling the world how much you love your Papa, and about all the neat stuff we did on your camping visit to the lake. I understood every word you said and agree that we should have let you jump off the high rock into the lake. You are right for rebuking us (in your rap) for not trusting that you would have made a big splash into America if we had just let you dive into the water head first. I'm so sorry that we didn't understand your plea. The language barrier was the problem. Next summer I promise to re-evaluate your skills and maybe we can jump off the 50 ft. rock together!

Love you, PAPA