Will you do it if I beg?

I try to be very selective about what links I try to get you to read. In fact...I think the last one I was begging you to check out was the testimony of a precious woman and mommy who was dying of cancer (and she did, indeed, die in July and is home with Jesus). For those of you who listened in, I know that it blessed your heart.

The link I am going to give you now is written by a gal, Katie, just 20 years old who is serving in Uganda. I have spent the last half an hour reading her blog, crying, getting shivers, praising the Lord and, to be quite frank, reading with almost disbelief at the amazing way in which the Lord is using her and the unbelievable sacrifices she has made to serve children, those orphaned and those poor. She reminds me of a Gladys Alyward and a George Muller wrapped into one. And I don't say that lightly...I am blown away by what I have been reading.

If you know me at all, then you know that I don't like to waste time and that I love to recommend books and just about anything else that will help you to "be holy as He is holy". I promise you that you will NEVER look back at your time on her blog as a waste of time and I beg you to join me in reading about a life and a ministry that leaves you desiring more of God than you did before you started.

Grab a cup of tea, a couple of tissues and PLEASE click on this link and be prepared to be blown away!

click HERE


For His Glory said…
Hmmm, depending on if you listened to the last link I sent you, then I will..neener neener neener ....No really, I will trya d check it when kiddos go down...Love ya!
For His Glory said…
okay I got through two blogs and was completely blessed and cannot believe this girl is so young and writes so preciously! I am so thankful you found this blog! I was just thinking today when I was in my car listening to a song and in it he says, "Send me, I'll go, let me go, let me go!" And I was thinking how many of us believers are too comfortable?? HOw many of us are too comfortable to say "Send Me, I'll go"...Meaning What "uncomfortable" ministry is God calling us to and we've been to comfortable to move on it??
I just read through at least 3-4 posting on her blog with tears in my eye and a convicted heart on how much I complain or even run away with my own feelings of doubting what God can do. I will revisit this blog in the future. I'm so thankful you found it.