Catching up

I sit here typing having just got back from dropping Bryan off at the airport. I'll be honest, I miss him already...miss knowing that he will not be home at night and that I will not get to wake up with him in the morning. Times like this are good, they just can be hard. It is good to be reminded just how precious marriage is, two becoming one so that you forget what it is like just to be "one". I love that! I love Bryan...I am so thankful for the almost 12 years of marriage God has given us, thankful for each year of growing and learning, of fighting less and less as we learn to appreciate more and more the differences that would often lead to an argument, the familiar beauty of living with someone who knows you so well and yet still loves you and wants to be with you. I was reading through the Song of Solomon in my daily reading this past week and was so blessed by the descriptions of love...they DELIGHTED in each other. And, by the grace of God, I am so thankful that each year it keeps becoming more and more of truth...the beauty of delighting in each other, delighting in the friendship, the fellowship and the love that is shared between just the two of us! I will miss my other half this week but I am also thankful to realize just how much I will miss him!:)

The kids will miss their daddy...their words and water filled eyes have already spoken to that...and that was just on the drive home!:) I keep reminding them that our joyful heart in letting Daddy go minister to pastors and their families in Mexico is OUR way of serving the Lord through this ministry and is how WE can come alongside of Daddy!

Okay....almost 12 hours later, I am back and going to attempt to finish my post! :) Caleb had his stitches taken out and bandages taken off this afternoon. WOW! I couldn't believe just how big is incision was under the bandages!!! It's amazing how well children recover! Having said that, though, he got on a bike after the appt. (a BIG no-no) and pulled at one of his incisions, started bleeding and ended up laying down for the rest of the afternoon in a lot of pain. Thankfully, they said I did not need to bring him back in and he is doing much better tonight.

Last Thursday was our last day of fevers (I am so thankful that we all got it at once even though it was a little insane for a couple of days!) and, as a result, we were joyfully able to open our home to Kimberly, Aaron and my sweet little niece Linnea!!! They got to our house Sunday afternoon and left Tuesday morning. I can't even begin to tell you just how precious those 40 hours with them was!!! It was such a gift from the Lord to have even seen them at all...and then to be able to spend a full day and a half with them was just beautiful!!!

My brother-in-law blessed my socks of with his sacrificial love for his nephews! He took all the boys to Lowes Monday morning and bought everything necessary for making "ladder golf". He then proceeded to spend the rest of the day with the boys cutting, painting, threading, drilling and piecing together this very fun game that we will use for a long time to come!
My boys adore their uncle and they LOVED every minute of their time with him! And, with the boys with Aaron, that gave us lots of girl time as well as the chance to sneak away to my favorite coffee shop (North Town) with Kimberly for some precious time of fellowship. What a treasure it is to have a sister who loves Jesus and loves to talk about Him!!! The kids also had fun playing some very serious games of "Jenga" with their aunt and uncle! We had some good laughs and some unbelievable saves!

My little niece, Linnea Joy, is just precious and we all enjoyed cuddling with her! Aaron and Kimberly are wonderful parents and it was a joy to watch them as a family!

I sit her with a smile on my face...recognizing that this past week was not how I would have planned it but it is exactly as the Lord had intended...and I am so thankful for the many lessons learned and the many undeserved blessings that we were able to experience! And, looking back helps me to look forward to this week, as well. It may not go how I plan, but I can rest assured that it will be exactly what I need so that I can be refined and made just a little bit more like Christ. And that is all I could ever ask for!


crystal said…
I was woundering where your post were and knowing it has to be very important more so then being sick!!!!! and sure enough it was your new neice and sis and hubby down visiting!!I have to agree with you that its such a blessing to have a sister you can talk about chirst with:)I love that about my sister to!Iam so happy you were able to all get well enough for them to come down and visit!!
crystal said…
O and I forgot to add Grace must have been in baby heaven:)At least it shows in the picture with both girls actually!!!
Anonymous said…
It was so good to hear from you! I am so thankful that you got to spend time with your sister, brother in law and niece - she is a beautiful baby!

Glad to hear that Caleb is healing - it is so hard to keep them down when they want to get back to their normal activity.

Thanks for being my faithful blog commenter! :-) I just got an email that you commented on my dossier post.

For Levi's room, I am thinking something with green - a sage or something. We'll see when I go shopping! It will be fun preparing it for him. I actually have been planning to surprise the girls with new bedding as well. They pointed out this really pretty comforter at Target that they liked one day - it is in the Shabby Chic line with pink flowers. So, I have been buying all the pieces and hiding them away. I hope it makes them feel special and it will be a surprise!
Seeing Faith hold Linnea makes me realize even more how much they resemble one another! So glad your time together was so precious. And ... I echo Crystal in saying "Grace must have been in baby heaven" !
Matt5verse6 said…
Linnea is so precious!!! What a blessing to have your sister come spend some girlie time with you and for the boys to have their uncle show them that golf game...I've never seen it before. Looks interesting though. :) I'm glad to hear your family is feeling better. Praise God!!!
Anonymous said…
I forgot to tell you that we have that golf game - Kevin's dad saw someone with them at an RV park and he copied it and made them himself. We didn't know the name and have dubbed it "Goof Ball". It is a fun family game!
For His Glory said…
How Fun! Boy is she cute! Glad to know the sickness didn't ruin your time together...