The DeVries Dairy Farm

We were so thrilled to be invited out to the DeVries Dairy Farm for a special field trip. I think us moms had more fun learning all the facts while the kids had more fun touching the babies calves and eating ice cream at the end!:)It was a wee bit cold...when we left the house it was only 36 degrees! Samuel has found a way to stay as bundled up as possible and Caleb found a new use for his hat...trying to keep the "stink" of the farm out!:)

Did you know that one female cow can produce between 7 to 18 gallons of milk a day? And she has to have a baby about once a year in order to keep her milk supply! No small task as we saw babies that had just been born a few hours before we got there and they were the same size as my kids are now!

Thank you so much Tom and Heather for the wonderful tour and sweet hospitality!!!
"Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation.." I Peter 2:2


For His Glory said…
I'm assuming you were in all your glory (that is with the ice cream)!!