"Please tell me they are not all yours."

That is the comment I received today on our walk home (walking quiet nicely and quietly, I might add :)) from visiting with a friend. Many people have asked me, "Are these all yours?", but I think it was the first time I have ever had someone speak in such a way that they were hoping they WERE NOT all mine. I am sure there are many who have thought that in their heads but have just not been willing to verbalize it. This time, someone did...and, I have to be honest, I walked away feeling sick to my stomach but also thankful that none of my children seemed to grasp the reality of what the gal said.

I don't hold it against her...and I don't even judge her for it. It's the culture we live in and that our kids are growing up in, it's what our minds are being fed day in and day out. If it were not for the Word of God and His grace at work in my life, I too, might have echoed those words to a family larger than what I thought made sense...to a family that did not fit the typical mold.

I still sit here feeling a little sick to my stomach, wishing every person who has ever echoed those words or thought them in their heads could spend the day with us and see what a blessing it is to be a parent to all 6 of our kids, to experience to delight of hearing giggles, the precious hugs that I get for no reason at all and the awesome,beautiful responsibility it is to see 12 eyes staring up at you, listening to you and learning from you. It made me think of a couple of lines from a puritan in "The Valley of Vision" prayer book:

"...Sanctify and prosper my domestic devotion,
instruction, discipline, example,
that my house may be a nursery for heaven..."

A nursery for Heaven...those words are precious to my heart! And not only do they ease the sick feeling in my stomach but they place in me a sweet hope and the reminder of the precious calling it is to be a mommy! That God is using me, nothing more than a jar of clay, to share His truth with these 6 little ones and train them up in the way they should go! And, as I reflect on that beautiful calling, my heart cannot help but cry out, "Fill up our nursery even more.Lord!".


Oh Kristin.... I'm so thankful your kiddos didn't hear that comment. I must ask, what is wrong with some people? Sounds like she needed a filter on her mouth. We've had a few comments, but I think all of them fairly positive.
I LOVE the quote at the bottom... I'm gonna steal that one!
Isn't is awesome when God uses a situation like that to reaffirm your calling and bring you closer to Him!
Kimiko said…
Kristin, it's interesting that you posted this, because I've been thinking about this the past few days. I just visited my old work last week and was reminded of some conversations I had with a few of my old coworkers. Some made it very clear that they thought it was wrong for parents to have too many kids (in their minds, 3 or 4 kids is probably too many), because it's not fair to the kids - the kids aren't able to get the attention they need from their parents. It struck me the other day that moms who have 5 or 6 kids, but stay at home with them are probably able to give each child a lot more attention than a mom who only has 1 or 2 kids, but works outside of the home. Sadly, in our society, there is nothing wrong with a mom of one or two children working 40 hours a week, but a stay-at-home mom is looked down upon if she has more than the socially acceptable 2 children per family.

I personally love seeing and being around large families and I know that your all 6 of your kids are blessed to have a mom like you!
For His Glory said…
Ahhh....yes, don't get me started (Lord put a gaurd over my mouth please :) ) I loved what you shared and I am so thankful to know the kids didn't hear, however, even if they had, what a precious teaching moment to share how:

When you don't know Jesus, you don't have joy, so having children actually steals joy away from some people because they have to focus on someone other than themselves now.

I loved what Michelle shared...People think it being unfair to have more than 3 or 4 kids because it's "not fair" to each child...Sadly, that kind of talk is out of ignorance and people who need to feel justified for their own decisions whatever that may look like.

God, keep us humble, but also help us to be a testimony of the joy it is to train and raise families for your glory....And pray for those who need to see the richness and joys of children in the home!!
Ruth said…
You know Kristin, I'm grateful for your size of family! Too often, especially here, large families are assumed to be Mormon or Catholic, and then no one says anything!! Why do we as a society accept these families and not Christian households? Just a question I've been pondering.
But I'm so proud of you and your faithfulness to God! May He continue to richly bless you!!! :)
Nettie said…
Kristin, it is unfortunate that we encounter comments and looks such as you have experienced today. When we are faced with them, we simply respond with the statement, "That we are blessed far more than we deserve and we will pray that you are as well." It helps encourage my kiddos to pray for others and to focus on God's perspective and not man's. You have a beautiful family ordained by God. We love you.
Anonymous said…
Kristin-God bless you & your family. The amazing thing to me that I have to believe is that of all the incredibly insensitive or unthoughtful comments that have been or ever will be made to us as adoptive parents, there are people out there that will be greatly & positively effected & impacted by our most precious children!!! God has truly blessed us!!!