To resolve or not to resolve this new year

Boy, the start of a new year can seem wonderful and overwhelming all at the same time. It's wonderful anticipating what God will do this coming year in my life and the lives of those around me and it is also overwhelming thinking about all the things I want to do, should do, need to do, etc...We live in a day and age of endless possibilities and so many forms of communication that let us KNOW that there are endless possibilities!:)

Where do I start? Do I set goals? Do I reevaluate? How do I find the balance between resting in the grace of God and HIS work and working out my salvation with fear and trembling? Should I cut back on certain things or add others to my daily routine? Just thinking of "New Years Resolutions" or goals leaves me feeling like I have failed before I even have begun!:)

It's the midst of all my chaotic thoughts, I am so thankful for wise men and women whose council (through the pages of paper and cyberspace) have spoken to my heart and encouraged me immensely!

My first words of encouragement came last week (gave me ample amount of time to start preaching to myself!) as I read the book "Just Do Something" by Kevin De Young (what a blessing that small, easy to read book was...hint, hint...small and easy to read!!!). The premise of the book is all about how we can know the will of God for our lives and then, as a result, move forward in confidence...whatever that "forward" may be.

"God's will for your life and my life is simpler, harder, and easier than that. Simpler, because there are no secrets we must discover. Harder, because denying ourselves, living for others, and obeying God is more difficult than taking a new job and moving to Fargo. Easier, because as Augustine said, God commands what He wills, and grants what He commands. In other words, God gives His children the will to walk in His ways - not by revealing a series of next steps cloaked in shadows, but by giving us a heart to delight in His law."

At the same time, we are also called to "examine ourselves" in 2 Corinthians 13:5 and I was thankful for the link on Tim Challies blog that took me to a man I very much respect, Donald Whitney, and some thoughts he had and questions we could ask ourselves as we start a new year. I am planning on taking a couple of questions a day and talking them over with my hubby! Good stuff!

Like anything in life...there is a balance to all that we do. A balance that can only be attained (and, even then, not without a struggle!) through the transforming work of the Word of God and the "iron sharpening iron" of other believers in our life...primarily the church!

These truths leave me hopeful and excited as I look at this new year...and the "overwhelmed feeling" is replaced by a quiet rest and trust as I seek to make the Psalmist words in Psalm 16:5-6 the cry of my heart as well this new year:

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."


Ruth said…
One of my favorite songs includes the line..."for I know who holds the future, I know who holds my hand, I know, just as sure as I'm singing this song, I'm a part of His Almighty Plan!"

What a comfort to know that GOD is in control of EVERYTHING!!!! And even though we'd like to think we have some input...thank God He's sovereign!

I gave up on "resolutions" years ago...maybe because I felt like it set me up for failure...but instead I try to change/add/improve something in my Spiritual life. With God in control...I CAN'T fail!

Have an awesome day and know that I love and miss you!!!!!!!

Happy New Year!
For His Glory said…
Loved this part:
Harder, because denying ourselves, living for others, and obeying God is more difficult than taking a new job and moving to Fargo.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading those questions and look forward to discussing them with my hubby this year. Thanks for pointing them out to us.

I like choosing a verse each year to pray about and focus on. As a SS class, we make a list of everyone's verse and we pray it for them during the year.

No resolutions for me! :-)