What's with the altar?

I just finished up the book of Joshua using my "Slackers and Shirkers" reading Bible plan. The name is misleading as I have decided it's one of my favorite Bible reading plans so far. If you know that you want to read through the whole Bible (and who wouldn't!) but you also know that you are in a season of life where it seems like you make more progress NOT getting the assigned reading done for a day than getting it done, or maybe you just like to take your time through the text you are reading and feel so "rushed" with traditional reading plans...this plan is the one for you! I love how there are no "dates" to go with the readings, just a box to check off when you are done...and one day, hopefully closer to a year than not, I will have all those boxes checked off! The other thing I like is that you can start right now...there are no dates to make you feel like you should just wait till next year!

So, after that "commercial"...what are you waiting for...join the bandwagon!:)

Back to the book of Joshua. In Joshua 22 there is the account of the Reubenites, Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh heading back over the Jordan River to their families and their possessions, having fulfilled their obligation to help the rest of the Israelites get "settled" in the Promise Land. They built an alter by the river on their way back and, when word got back to the sons of Israel, the Israelites assumed that they had strayed from the commands of God and were being unfaithful to the Lord. They were ready to go to war with them and destroy them.

God had other plans and He had Phinehas the priest and the heads of the tribe go to the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh to find out what was going on. Turns out, they were not seeking to be unfaithful in any way but, instead, the alter was built to help them keep their eyes fixed on God and to remind themselves, their families and the rest of the Israelites that they were apart of God's chosen people...children of the promise....though on the other side of the river.

I couldn't help but think how often I am like the Israelites...seeing something and immediately assuming the worst, "slaying" the individual in my mind without knowing the facts surrounding the situation, the words spoken or the actions that I saw. Sadly, many times I am content to let my imagination "run wild" instead of wisely doing what the leaders of the Israelites did...simply ASKING! Don't get me wrong, sin is sin and there are actions and situations that need no explanation to understand exactly what they are. But, in our day to day lives, I think we have a lot more situations with other believers in which we see an "altar" and are quick to jump to conclusions and become judge and jury. We turn them into the enemy instead of what they are, a brother or sister in Christ.

I wonder how many times I have missed out on the blessing of sweet fellowship because was too busy considering myself as more important than I ought. How many times have I "delivered a verdict" instead of delivered a "hug" and how many times I have had the opportunity to grow and be stretched through another's actions but have chosen instead to assume that "different" is wrong and my way is best?!

The Lord is teaching me more and more each day to care about the HEARTS of those around me, to ask questions way more than assume anything and to rejoice in differences and grow and learn through them and others! So thankful for His Word!


For His Glory said…
Sounds like a great reading plan! And thank you for sharing about what God is teaching you...Encouraged me to evaluate my own heart!
5 Cougs said…
So funny...I am in Joshua 15, soon to read the same story. What a great reminder of how we can act and I will think of it again very soon!
Paul said…
Wonderful sis! What a great encouragement to hear God transforming you from judge to helper (one who walks alongside :-) God has been teaching me that of course, having come out of Seminary and thinking I can cut to the chase with everyone's hearts. Wow, what pride and arrogance I have when I do that! Love ya!