Building our Homes Part V

"It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved sleep." Psalm 127:2

So many times it feels as though there are just not enough hours in the day...not enough time to get all the needs to be done, done. When that happens I start to grow anxious, start to grow even frustrated...I lay in bed at night thinking about what needs to be done and, the little sleep I do get, is delayed even further by my heart of unrest.

I think that that is the point of Psalm 127:2...if our eyes are not fixed on Christ and are, instead, fixed on all there is to doesn't matter how early we rise or late we go to's all vanity. Our toil is full of anxiety and vanity because it is not being done "in the Lord"(I Cor. 15:58)

I also think that I forget that TIME was created by God. He ordained 24 hours to be in each day and there is nothing I can do to change that. And instead of thinking of all the things that still need to be done...the things I have started but not completed or the things that I want to do but have not found the time to begin...I need to rejoice that I serve a God who completes everything He started...including the good work that He has begun in me (Phil 1:6).

I was reminded of this truth in the most beautiful of ways...through song! Sovereign Grace Music put out a new CD this past fall called "Sons and Daughters" and it is just WONDERFUL!!! One of the chorus' kept me meditating on it's truths way beyond it's one line. It said,

"What You complete is completely done."

Think about that. All of God's "to do lists" get done. There is nothing that He started that will not be completed exactly the way He wants it to be. There is no vanity in anything that He does and there is not one moment of anxiety in the God who gives all men "life and breath and everything else". And if we are resting in, clinging to, and seeking Him with all our hearts we, too, can rest without frustration or anxiety, we can toil in the strength that God provides (Col. 1:29) and we can rejoice knowing that we cannot miss His ordained plan for us! That should lead us all to simply, as Elisabeth Elliot once said, "do the next thing" for the glory of God and the good of our souls, our family and those around us.

He will complete the good work He has started in You and me!!!


Ruth said…
I also have to remember that our time isn't God's time! :) (2 Peter 3:8-9)And sometimes that gives me peace :D
For His Glory said…
And I feel like my time is mine for my purposes, but I am constantly reminding me that it's God's purposes that are to be accomplished! PS My sister got this Cd and loves it! My dear friend bought this cd for me for the finalization of our adoption, but I haven't seen her to get it!! I can't wait!
Michelle Hamm said…
Praying for you as I also am facing this. God has reminded me that I am not the only one who is feeling this and that I need to show grace to others because they are just as busy or more so, than myself. I long to bring glory to God and seek His guidance every day. "His mercies are new every morning, Great is thy faithfulness!!!!"