The Sin of Comparing

I would have been the first person to tell you that I really don't struggle with comparing myself to's not a sin that easily entangles me (believe me, I have a boatload of others that do!). But, just like the book "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges, I was faced with the fact that I actually do compare more than I thought as I read "Girltalk Blog" and the series they just wrapped up on their site. I was convicted, encouraged and challenged by the Word of God, wise words from the Mahaney women and some great quotes from others!

It was a GREAT series on of my favorites in all the years I have been reading I was SO EXCITED when they put it all together in a PDF file format that could be downloaded and printed off! It is well worth the paper, ink and the time to read it!


Thanks, Kristin! I've got it saved on my computer!

Hey--I didn't know Girltalk just finished up a series on Envy. Each time I've gone to their website in the past month or so, all they have is this "52 Home" thing---and it's just a picture, literally, of something in their home, and that's it. No writing, no anything.

I click onto their website by using the link on the side of your blog, and it always takes me to "52 home" picture of the day. Am I doing somethiing wrong? Let me know if you know! :0)

I have missed reading their stuff!!

For His Glory said…
You're right, this was a great series!
Thank you for sharing this, the quote below from the PDF on Envy was driven right my heart.

"Sinful comparison is a futile and destructive exercise. It robs us of joy. It destroys our peace. It plunges us into despair and self-pity. It distorts our view of a wise and loving God."