Semi Finals....Here We Come!!!!

Had to share our excitement with well as some great pictures my Dad took of Micah!(Our landlord put together the poster above!)

Micah's team has advanced to the semi-finals and they play tonight at 6 pm against the Cardinals!
It has been so fun to watch him see his pitching grow (Bannister and Micah's records look pretty similar, I think!:) Go Brian!), his character grow and to see how he interacts with his teammates and those around him (he even witnessed to one of his teammates, got him a Bible, and encouraged him to read Genesis and the book of John!).

Though it made life busier and sometimes even a bit hectic, we are all going to miss taking the walk to the ballpark, sitting in the stands and cheering on Micah and the Royals! We love baseball season and we love the sweet memories that are made each year at the ball field! I guess now we will have a little bit more time to follow our Red Sox on the TV Screen!:) But, for tonight, it's all about the Royals!
One of my kids favorite lines from "Facing the Giants" is: "If we win, we praise Him and if we lose we praise Him". So, whatever happens tonight, the Pichura Family will be praising the Lord for His goodness, His plan and for baseball!:)


Matt5verse6 said…
Michelle P said…
Wow! I love the poster! How cool is that?! And what a blessing for your landlord to do that!
Micah- we enjoyed getting to watch you play a few weeks ago-- you are a great pitcher! Hope you do great tonite!
Very cool poster made for Micah!! Wow! I'm so glad to hear your family has enjoyed this time, watching Micah play, and grow as well! Very cool that he "made the most of every opportunity" and witnessed+ shared a Bible with a teammate! Way to go! (and way to go, Mom and Dad!) :0)

great pics!
Juli said…
That's so awesome to hear about his witnessing. Someday when (or if) he turns pro, I'll be able to tell the press he used to come to my library storytimes :) will be praying that all goes well at the game and that God gets all the glory.
What a very special gift your landlord gave Micah. It's GREAT .... love it!!