One Hundred Percent!

Grace will be the first one to tell you that school just isn't that easy for her...and, no matter how hard she works, 100% are typically not a grade she is able to walk away with. And we are all okay with that! But that is also what made Thursday so special...

Grace did something that no one else in our family of school kids has done this year...Grace got 100% on every assignment she had!!!! And, if that were not amazing enough, one of those assignments was a TEST and two of them were QUIZES!!!! She was SO excited and SO tickled! So were her parents!:) Bryan brought home a Tim-bit treat just for her and we are delighted to recognize her not only at dinner but now here on the blog!

Way to go Gracie-girl! Way to "do your work heartily as for the Lord" even when it is not easy and you have wanted to give up! We are thanking the Lord for how He chose to bless you and encourage your heart this week!!!


Ruth said…
That is so AWESOME Grace!!!! Way to go! You are truly a 2 Timothy 2:15 girl!!! :D and I'm so proud of you! Woo hoo!!!
Mrs. Erickson
Michelle P said…
Way to go Grace!! We love you and are proud of you for working hard!
Grace ... Nanny is so proud of you. Way to go. What a blessing the Lord gave you this week in your school work. School was often a struggle for Nanny, so I know how exciting it is when you do well ... and I am jumping up and down and singing joyfully with you! WAY TO GO GRACIE GIRL!