What are you eating?

"There can be many explanations for our diminished zeal for God. Sometimes the most obvious reason is that we're feasting regularly at the world's table of delights....God never intends His gifts to replace Him as the object of our desire and delight."

The above quote came from the book "Worldliness" and made me think about the post I wrote on Monday. As I examine my life and how I am or am not fulfilling the role of "watchmen", this quote is a good one to remember. When I am feeling low on energy and effort, it may not always be that I am "doing too much" it may be more about where I am getting my nourishment from. Is the primary consumption of my soul "food" the Word of God or I have I been "snacking" on the world leaving me with a weak appetite and little energy to pursue God as the object of all my desire and delight.

So, if I want to be a woman who honors the Lord in the call He has given me, it's not just about looking at what I do...it's also about looking at what I "eat".


Lorraine Moen said…