Desperate need of help

I am reading an amazing book about marriage called, "What Did You Expect?" by Paul Tripp and, in it, he shared something that he prays every morning before he gets out of bed:

"God, I am a man in desperate need of help today. I pray that you would send your helpers my way. Lord, give me the humility to receive the help when it comes."

What a humble way to start the day! What a REAL way to start the day, fully aware of the reality that I am a sinner in need of grace, mercy, refining and, yes, even discipline. And, in truly recognizing that, I can then recognize that everything and everyone that is brought into my life today is from the Lord to help me, to sanctify me, and to make me more like Himself!

That perspective changes everything! May Paul's prayer be our prayer each and every day we wake up with life and breath!
