Picture Time

Last month, Bryan's mom, his cousin Darcy, and her son Morgan came to visit us for a week and a half. It's hard to believe that was over two weeks ago already!

It was great to have some nice weather and "explore" Fort Langley and fun to spend time together! It was especially neat to see Morgan and the kids play and make lots of memories with each other!

Sushi Fun!:)

The following week Bryan and I got away, just the two of us, for the first time in a year...and it was lovely!:) Bryan got a cold so that put a bit of a damper on things...but we had so much fun going to a spa (paid for by our insurance, go figure!), catching a movie, shopping, talking, and enjoy each other without a boatload of interruptions!:)

Gotta try a "Spitz Burger" if you get up to Whistler...I actually ate the whole thing!

It snowed in the hills while we were there.

We were so thankful for the sacrifice my sister-in-law, Michelle, made by coming to watch the kids....they had a great time with her (and with Paul and his girlfriend, Sarah, who came up at the end to help out...thanks too, guys!) A fun "edible" craft with Aunt Michelle!:)

Before Paul and Sarah went home, we had to try a bit of an experiment! Sarah is from England...and she grew up with different types of candy that came from England. Guess what? Canada has them, too!:) So, we all did a taste test and ranked the "candies you can't get in the USA". :)


Looking at the pics reminds me of what a wonderful time we had. Miss you all so much.
Clark Family said…
Koda saw the pic of Paul and immediately asked, "Is that James?!?" Ha! They can't deny they are brothers!
The "Coffee Crisp" at the top of the pic looked right up my alley! :0) (Yum!)

So glad you guys got a chance to get away together!---How nice!! Your pics looked beautiful!