Trust in the Lord

I have started reading through "The Heart of the Bible" by John MacArthur and have just been blessed oodles and oodles by the verses that are shared and explained!

Yesterday's came at such a fitting my mom would say it, God is so PERSONAL!!!!! It was a couple of verses that are read, shared, and used so much that, in my own heart, I often lose sight of the beauty, depth and wisdom of the them:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Here are some snip-its that MacArthur shares about these verses:

"This command really gets to the core of our Christian living. Do you trust the Lord completely? "With all your heart" means that you trust Him with everything, with all that you are. Can you trust the Lord no matter what comes, good or bad? Can you trust Him no matter what pain or suffering you have to endure, no matter what trial you have to face? Will you trust Him when your dreams crash and burn? Do you trust the Lord wholeheartedly, no matter what?

The alternative is to trust yourself, to lean on your own understanding. We can choose to trust our own interpretation of events instead of trusting that God is directing our paths. When things in your life seem out of control, you have to remember that God loves you and that in all things He is working for your good. We're not meant to understand everything that happens to us. We are meant to learn to trust God rather than trusting our own ability to make sense of things.....

You cannot lean on your own interpretation of the things that happen in your life. You can only lean on the Lord. Trust Him wholeheartedly. In everything acknowledge Him. He will open up a path that you never even expected. This is His promise."

What precious truths to meditate on...what nourishment for our weary and often unsure souls!
