16 years ago today...

16 years ago today, I went on a date that would change my life forever...because I went on a date with Bryan.

I didn't know that night that I had "found the one whom my soul loves" (Song of Solomon 3:4) but it didn't take me long to realize what an amazing, godly man he was and to start praying that, one day, God would make him my husband (and I have a diary to prove it!:)).

16 years ago today started an adventure...an adventure I couldn't fully begin to grasp then, am so thankful for now, and pray that it will continue as far as the eye can see.

16 years ago, I would often feel like my heart was going to leap out of my chest at just the sight of Bryan. Somewhere along the way, it really did "leap out of my chest" and Bryan has held it tenderly and with sweet patience and care ever since.

16 years ago today, there was a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach. Those butterflies have since settled...but, if you look, you'll see that my smile as grown even bigger!:)


Such a sweet post. Can't believe you remember the date of your 'first date' ! I'm impressed. Wow, it's been 16 years? Where or where does time go?