Glimpses of Grace

I've had some help in the "glimpsing grace" department through a fantastic book that I read over the summer. You'll never guess the title?!

"Glimpses of Grace" by Gloria Furman is chock full of encouraging and insightful tid-bits that got my soul savoring and celebrating God's amazing grace. If you have not picked up her book yet (it's only been out since May), here are some quotes that just might get you asking for a copy for Christmas!

"If God doesn't rule your mundane, than He doesn't rule you. Because that's where you live." (a "re-quote" from Paul Tripp

"Peace and quiet are not ultimate. Activity and responsibility are not ultimate. Because Christ is ultimate, the loss of any of these things - solitude or circus- makes no difference in the sufficiency of Christ or in His ability to give you everything you need for life and Godliness." (Wow! I want to paint that one on my walls!!!)

"To live in the reality of the gospel each day.....means that you see things as an opportunity to talk with God, talk about God, and receive wisdom from the Bible throughout your day." (I love this quote because, in the recent years, we keep hearing so much about "gospel-living" but it is often not defined. I love the practical way she put exactly what that looks like.)

"A cheerful attitude and a sense of hopefulness are wonderful by-products of rejoicing in God while in the midst of our homes. But that's just what they The source of our faith, hope, love, joy, and gospel-grounded optimism is God Himself and not our stuff or our circumstances." 

"If there is discontent bound up in your heart, then there is no room in your house where you can go and feel peace. You will, as I have, attempt to create the perfect environment that is rid of distraction so you can focus. At the end of the day you will find out that the chaos isn't your environment - its in your heart." (How often I forget the sin that is bound up in my OWN heart!)

"We need faith to trust that God doesn't merely "know what's best for us," but that He IS what's best for us no matter what our circumstances are."

Hmmm...after reading those quotes, will you even make it to Christmas to read this book?!:) 
