What's Your Plenty?

"John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water there. People were going and being baptized, since John had not yet been thrown into prison."   John 3:23-24

I love these verses. Why was John baptizing in the location he was? Because, simply stated,  there was plenty of water. Certainly not the super spiritual answers we are often looking for:

-because he felt led by the Lord
-because the Lord had softened the hearts of those in Aenon
-because the Holy Spirit had prevented him from going somewhere else
-because he knew there was a great harvest to be reaped in this region

Nope. Simply because there was plenty of water.

What hope that gives us all, doesn't it? Instead of looking for some "sign from Heaven" for how to best glorify the Lord and proclaim His name and fame...we just need to look at what is right in front of us...what is the "plenty" that is already ours?

As I've mentioned several times in the past, one of Bryan's and my favorite quotes is by Jim Elliot:

"Wherever you are, be all there."

Simple. Short. Meaningful. Wherever God has you, right now, is exactly the plenty that He wants you  to be faithful in. So, be all there. Do the work. Maybe it doesn't feel as "plentiful" as you would desire, but it's the plenty He has given. Be faithful with little...and trust Him to enlarge your boundaries, if He sees fit (Luke 16:10)!
