Daily Dependence

How easy it is to go to God with some things, but to assume other things and not seek Him in daily dependence. We know He is good. We know He is in control. We know He ordains and He brings to pass...and maybe we often rest in that reality and we know some of the peace of His sovereign care. Yet, we are not living in daily dependence. We are missing out on the joy and the hope that can be ours when we come before His Throne and cry out to Him: sharing the pains, the daily struggles, the way-ward child, the slump in marriage, the unknowns, the mysteries of our hearts, and the vast emotions that come with it all. 

We say "He knows" but then don't run to Him for refuge, don't nestle under His wings - His everlasting arms, don't talk to Him, and bring our requests before Him.  Think about it: in life, when we have a friend who knows...who really knows...how we are feeling and the struggles we are going through, isn't it a delight to talk to them?! We can be honest. We can be real. There are no walls. There is no fear in sharing. There is a sweetness there that we treasure! 

So, too, it is with the Lord. So, too, is the sweetness that can be ours when we live in daily dependence through daily time in His Word and in prayer. And, it is our protection. We all know Proverbs 3:5-6. In fact, most of us have probably memorized it...but maybe some of us have failed to mediate on these glorious realities in recent days. Just maybe, we are all guilty of forgetting, of leaning too hard into what seems logical instead of clinging to the Lord in faith, of assuming we know so we don't acknowledge, we don't depend. We march forward on the path beneath us not realizing we are marching into danger. 

That's exactly what happened to Joshua and the Israelites in Joshua 7. They had just had a MASSIVE victory at Jericho. Huge, thick walls had come crashing down as the Lord defeated this great city using footsteps, the noise of trumpets, and the voices of men. It was clear to all the Lord had done it! 

And then they moved on to take the next territory, to conquer the city of Ai. They didn't seek the Lord. They just assumed He was going with them and that all was well. But it wasn't. There was sin in the camp that needed to be dealt with. Sin that needed to be exposed before the Lord would give victory again to the Israelites. All it would have taken was Joshua going before the Lord in daily dependence, in prayerful acknowledgement...but they raced ahead. Men died. Israel retreated. It was an incredibly disheartening, discouraging situation. And it could have been avoided. 

I'm so thankful it was written for our instruction and encouragement (Romans 15:4, I Cor. 10:11), that we might learn and grow. That we might see both wisdom and folly, and listen when wisdom cries out. That we might see the greatness of our God and the treasure that is ours when we seek Him with all our hearts. Then, we will not be those who lean on our own understanding but cling to the Wisdom from above. We will not be those who assume but those who acknowledge. We will find protection on the path He has ordained and sweetness in the journey. We will walk in daily dependence. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." 
